Debbie Sergent, LMT, PBP
Coursework and Certifications
Seattle Massage School (Ashmead College) 900 hour program, 1999
Ethics & Professionalism in Business. 2000 2 CE
Balancing the Pelvis. 2001 16 CE
Neuromuscular Therapy LB & Hip 2001 8 CE
Neuromuscular Therapy Cervical 2001 8 CE
ONSEN Technique Vol. 1-5.. 2003. 40 CE
Living Ethics 2004. 6 CE
Lypossage Zones I, II, & III. 2005. 32 CE
Dealing w/ Ethical Gray Areas in MT 2006. 2 CE
From the Client's Perspective: Marketing, Policy & Ethics 2006. 2 CE
Structural Relief Therapy (SRT) Low Back/Pelvis 2007. 12 CE
Structural Relief Therapy (SRT) Shoulders/Arms/Hands 2007. 6 CE
Structural Relief Therapy (SRT) Neck 2007. 6 CE
Maximizing & Simplifying Reimbursement 2007. 4.5 CE
Bowenwork Modules 1-5 Bowtech Australia 2009. 80 CE
Ethical Dilemmas 2009, 6 CE
Bowenwork Modules 6-11 Bowtech Australia 2009-2013. 96 CE
Bowenwork: Tensegrity & the Fascial Lines 2014.16 CE
Bowenwork Module 12 2014. 16 CE
Importance of Symmetry (Bowenwork) 2014 16 CE
Bowenwork for People Living with Cancer 2015 16CE
Bowernwork Instructor Traning 2014-2015. 32 CE
Applied Myoskeletal Therapy 2016. 35 CE
Emmett Short Course 2016. 8 CE
Emmett Technique Modules 1-6 2017-2018. 80 CE
Emmett Technique Professional Levels 1 & 2 2018. 32 CE
The Art of Bowen Parts 1&2 2018. 24 CE
EMM TECH Tutor Training 2012. 8 CE
Ethics for Massage Therapists 2019. 3CE
Creating Healthy Boundaries 2019. 3 CE
Emmett Technique Professional Levels 3 & 4 2019. 32 CE
Emmett Clinic Day 2019. 8 CE
Beyond the 7 A's 2019. 8 CE
Applied Myoskeletal Tech 2019. 14 CE
Emmett Technique Professional Level 5 2019. 16 CE